
Tell Me Where It Hurts    這次美國行的紐約站,意外地去逛了十分鐘的唱片行,帶回兩張CD,其中一張是Kathy Troccoli的"Tell Me Where It Hurts"的美版promo單曲。結果上網查了一下,這張CD在E-bay上竟然開到24.99美元,我都不知道這首歌的promo能有這個價。慶幸我只花了一塊錢就買到了(大悅)。


  "Tell Me Where It Hurts"收錄在Kathy Troccoli於1994年發行的同名專輯"Kathy Troccoli"中,由情歌製造機Diane Warren所譜寫。但Kathy Troccoli並非第一個演唱"Tell Me Where It Hurts"的人,這首歌原出自The Real Milli Vanilli在1991發行的"The Moment Of Truth"專輯中,是一首中板的R&B舞曲。


  話說,Kathy Troccoli原本是一位基督教音樂的創作歌手,1982年發行第一張專輯"Stubborn Love",直到1991年才以"Pure Attraction"專輯,由基督教音樂跨入流行樂壇領域。當時的第一首單曲"Everything Changes"拿到告示牌單曲榜的第14名,是她在流行音樂市場的第一個響砲,而這首歌便是出自Diane Warren之手。隨後發行的第二首單曲,則是由她親自譜寫的"Help Myself To You",此曲再下一城,成為她個人的首支流行冠軍單曲。


  由於"Pure Attraction"的成功,1994年Katty以自己的名字為專輯名稱,再戰流行樂壇,不過這張專輯並未讓她續嚐成功的甜美果實,所發行的單曲皆未進入流行單曲榜。首支單曲打出自己的作品"If I'm Not In Love",僅拿到成人抒情榜的第22名,即使第二首單曲推出Diane的"Tell Me Where It Hurts"力挽狂瀾,卻還是難挽頹勢,以成人抒情榜第14名告終。從此,Kathy與流行樂壇絕緣,回到她原本擅長的基督教音樂領域。


  "Tell Me Where It Hurts"由原本的R&B舞曲蛻變成標準的90年代抒情歌曲,是首相當成功的改編作品,加上Kathy帶點沙啞磁性的嗓音詮釋起來,非常地動聽,也令人動容;然而這首唱作俱佳的抒情單曲,在流行市場上卻反應平平慘遭滑鐵盧,倒是令我有些訝異。其實比較同名專輯中的兩首單曲"If I'm Not In Love"與"Tell Me Where It Hurts",我個人認為Kathy自己創作,演唱的"If I'm Not In Love",在各方面的確是勝於"Tell Me Where It Hurts",但"If I'm Not In Love"這首歌偏偏就少了那麼點流行的味道。我想如果當時先打較有流行曲勢的"Tell Me Where It Hurts",或許會有完全不同的結果。


  無論"Tell Me Where It Hurts"的單曲名次如何,它終究是首好歌,且是首傳唱度非常高的作品。相較於原唱The Real Milli Vanilli來說,Kathy的抒情版則較為人所熟知,這反倒讓人誤以為Kathy Trocooli是原唱了。


延伸閱讀:Tell Me Where It Hurts的版本






詞曲:Diane Warren


Why is that sad look in your eyes

Why are you crying?

Tell me now, tell me now

Tell me, why you're feelin' this way

I hate to see you so down, oh baby!

Is it your heart

Oh, breakin' all in pieces

Makin' you cry

Makin' you feel blue

Is there anything that I can do



Why don't you tell me where it hurts now, baby

And I'll do my best to make it better

Yes, I'll do my best to make the tears all go away

Just tell me where it hurts

Now, tell me

And I love you with a love so tender

And if you let me stay

I'll take all of the hurt away


Where are all those tears coming from

Why are they falling?

Did somebody, somebody, somebody leave your heart in the cold

You just need somebody to hold so, baby

(Give me a chance)

To put back all the pieces

Take hold of your heart

Make it just like new

There's so many things that I can do



Why don't you tell me where it hurts now, baby

And I'll do my best to make it better

Yes, I'll do my best to make the tears all go away

Just tell me where it hurts

Now, tell me

And I love you with a love so tender

And if you let me stay

I'll take all of the hurt away

(Ooh, I can make it go away)


Is it your heart

Oh, breakin' all in pieces

Makin' you cry

Makin' you feel blue

Is there anything that I can do



Why don't you tell me where it hurts now, baby

And I'll do my best to make it better

Yes, I'll do my best to make the tears all go away

Just tell me where it hurts

Now, tell me

And I love you with a love so tender

Oh, and if you let me stay

I'll take all of the hurt away

Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me baby

Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me

And I'll do my best to make it better

Yes, I'll do my best to make the tears all go away

Just tell me where it hurts

Now, tell me

And I love you with a love so tender

Oh, and if you let me stay

I'll take all of the hurt away



1. 文章圖片轉貼自E-bay。

2. MV轉貼自網站。 


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