
End of A Rainbow

  所有Patti Austin的歌中,最愛的就是"Say You Love Me"了,這首歌收錄在她個人第一張專輯"End Of A Rainbow"裡(1976年發行,年代非常久遠,算算跟不來的年齡一樣大哩! )。


  話說當年"Say You Love Me"的排行成績極差,僅僅在R&B榜拿到No. 63的成績,仔細想想,出道三十幾年的Patti也沒幾首歌在流行榜上紅過,也許因為排行成績太差了,以至於提到Patti Austin這位歌手,大家總是只記得她與James Ingram在1983年合唱的冠軍單曲"Baby,Come To Me",亦或隔年與James再度攜手合作,創下佳績的抒情力作"How Do You Keep The Music Playing"(No. 6)。雖然在流行榜始終沒啥起色,但對主要遊走爵士領域的Patti其實也沒造成太大的影響,她在爵士領域中地位崇高,而且專輯產量是相當驚人的一位長青歌手,R&B只能算是她玩票性質的表演。


  回頭說說"Say You Love Me"吧!這首歌的曲調流暢清耳悅心相當耐聽,而Patti演唱時的高低音轉換順暢細膩,詮釋甜而不膩,娓娓唱出年少甜蜜愛戀的青蘋果滋味,或許真的不是一首排行之作,卻讓人有餘音繞樑之感。 悠閒的午后,總是想起這首歌,把它拿出來不斷repeat,也許發呆、作作白日夢、看書、上網,或是跟著音符的律動隨意搖擺,享受片刻的怡然自得;有時心情欠佳,情緒低潮時,也會聽聽這首歌,跟著Patti溫暖細膩的歌聲,一陣哼哼唱唱,頓時就能將一切煩惱全都拋到九霄雲外,忘記煩憂,這就是好音樂吧! 『好歌就是有著感染人心,改變心情的魔力』,筆者一直是這麼認為的。


  就筆者所知,"Say You Love Me"有幾個翻 / 重唱版本;在1986年時,首度出現由香港女歌手葉德嫻的翻唱版本『不再分離』(收錄在專輯『千個太陽』中),知道葉德嫻是誰吧?!她就是電影『法外情』裡,扮演劉德華生母,將這個苦情角色演得入木三分的那位廟街妓女。葉德嫻翻唱的『不再分離』是相當成功的作品,她沙啞嗓音詮釋起這首歌曲,有著一股soul的騷動,迥異於Patti爵士的唱法,賦予這首歌全新的生命,令人激賞。另外,在2004年時,香港男歌手黃凱芹則選擇重唱了葉德嫻『不再分離』這版本,這首重唱版本在編曲上走的是爵士路線,不過黃凱芹流行的唱法倒是讓筆者覺得有點油腔滑調。

葉德嫻 - 不再分離



黃凱芹 - 不再分離



  記得1994年由菲律賓來台發片,並與歌神張學友合唱一曲"In Love With You"的超級女唱將梨晶Regine)嗎?這位非常能唱的菲律賓天后,在"Listen Without Prejudice"中也也收錄重唱"Say You Love Me",如果說黃凱芹的版本油腔滑調的話,那Regine的這個版本簡直就高潮迭起的令人吐血了,無論是唱法或編曲都將這首歌甜蜜風味消磨殆盡,雖然她真的很能唱,但就是不對筆者的胃口。

Regine - Say You Love Me


  2001年時日本女歌手原田知世在專輯"Summer Breeze"中也收錄"Say You Love Me"這首歌,原田知世在唱這首歌時也有三十好幾了吧!?說然說她的版本中規中矩,毫無特殊之處,不過以她三十幾歲年紀能將這首歌唱到有二十幾歲的青澀風味,也就不忍心再責難她了。

原田知世 - Say You Love Me


  最後一個介紹的版本,是除了原唱Patti外,最令筆者愛不釋手的版本。"Say You Love Me(Loving You)"收錄在新加坡歌手Dick Lee李炳文)於1999年時發行的專輯"DJ Project Transit Lounge"中,他同時也是一位在亞洲歌壇上頗具知名度的DJ,合作過的歌手遍及新港台日,當年無意間聽到這個版本後,便急於尋找這張專輯,好在有讓筆者買到,否則不知道得花多少大洋去跟人搶二手CD;Dick Lee的版本非常特別,真的是經典到不行,他同時將Patti Austin的"Say You Love Me"以及海豚音始祖Minnie Riperton的"Loving You" mix在一起,效果出奇的好,在這就不多說了,大家聽了就知道囉。

 Dick Lee - Say You Love Me(Loving You)

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Patti Austin - Say You Love Me(original version)

words & music by Patti Austin


Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend
Holdin' hands is fine, but I've got better things on my mind
You know it could happen if you'd only see me in a different light
Maybe when we finally get together, you will see that I was right

Say you love me, you know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me, don't treat me like I was lice
Please love me, I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, baby, things would really work out fine

Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend
Holdin' hands is fine, but I've got better things on my mind
You know it could happen if you'd only see me in a different light
Maybe when we finally get together, you will see that I was right

Say you love me, you know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me, don't treat me like I was lice
Please love me, I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, baby, things would really work out fine

Now baby, would you say you love me, you know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me, don't treat me like I was lice
Please love me, I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, darlin', things would really work out fine

Baby, would you say you love me
Baby, would you say you love me
Say that you love me
Say that you love me

Baby, would you say that you love me
Say that you love me, darlin'
Say that you love me
Darlin', would you say you love me?
Say that you love me
Say that you love me

Baby, would you say you love me, you know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me, don't treat me like I was lice
Please love me, I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, baby, things would really work out fine
If you'd only say you love me, darlin', things would really work out fine
If you'd only say you love me, darlin', things would really work out fine



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