
Same Script,Different Cast

  "Same Script,Different Cast"收錄在Whitney Houston的世紀精選輯【Whitney:The Greatest Hits】當中,並找來實力堅強的加拿大R&B女歌手Deborah Cox合作;Deborah Cox當年以Whitney Houston接班人之姿出道,能得到這樣的封號不是沒有道理的,她們兩人在中高音色上的確非常相似,只是Whitney的嗓音較為清亮,共鳴度也比較好,而Deborah嗓音則偏沙啞。不過以Whitney倒嗓這件事來說,在這時候聽來基本上已經聽不出太大差異,也因如此,如果沒仔細聽這首歌,通常會以為是一個人在唱。


  當年這首歌以電台宣傳單曲形式發行,而且沒有拍攝MV,所以單曲成績並沒有特別突出,僅僅拿到Billboard Hot 100第70名,R&B單曲榜第14名的成績。排行名次雖說不是頂好,但這首單曲在音樂性上、演唱上、歌詞內容和情緒鋪陳上,絕對是一首上乘之作。


  首先"Same Script,Different Cast"取樣了Ludwig van Beethoven貝多芬】的古典樂名曲"For Elise"【給愛麗絲】(我個人都稱這支曲為「垃圾車的呼喚」。呵。),我認為"Same Script,Different Cast"取樣"For Elise"有其意義--其一,"For Elise"的旋律簡單易記,為大部分人所知悉,且又是首通俗的世界名曲,通常對聽者有絕對的吸引力,而對不熟悉曲子的人來說,「似曾相識」的感覺,則給人想繼續聽下去的動力。--其二,"For Elise"據說這是貝多芬為一個心儀女性所寫的曲子,能夠令貝多芬為她作曲,可見對她愛戀之深,如今運用在"Same Script,Different Cast"當中,轉化成兩女對一男的愛恨情仇,似乎也是個不錯的意象轉移。




  這首單曲精采之處,都不是前面所提到音樂性或演唱,而是歌詞的設計實在太有戲感了。歌詞描述兩女,舊愛【Whitney Houston】與新歡【Deborah Cox】間的糾葛,雖然是首抒情歌曲,但老實講,如果仔細看歌詞和聽她們兩個的對唱,真的只能用爆笑來形容,堪稱新歡舊愛為了男人互嗆的經典作品。這首歌現場對唱實在可以當成一齣戲來看,可惜沒有原唱Whitney和Deborah的現場版,不過網路上有一個Deborah和Tamia的現場版,倒是可以看看,我個人覺得兩個人唱功無庸置疑,但演得太少了;另外,有找到一個Mad Divas Live的DeeDee &GiGi的反串秀表演,似乎也含蓄了點。不知道泰國的人妖秀上也沒有這個曲目,我想應該會將這首歌表演到極致吧!


延伸閱讀:Whitney Houston & Deborah Cox - Same Script,Different Cast(歌詞翻譯)


Listen & Lyrics:

Same Script,Different Cast - Whitney Houston & Deborah Cox



Same Script,Different Cast - Deborah Cox & Tamia(Live Version)



DeeDee & GiGi from Mad Divas Live



Same Script,Different Cast

Writers:Montell Jordan、Shae Jones、Shep Crawford、Stacey Daniels

Performanced by Whitney Houston & Deborah Cox



[Whitney:] Um? Hey Deb.
[Deborah Cox:] Mmm hmm?
[WH:] Thank you for being woman enough to come.
[DC:] Whitney, what's this about?


[WH:] I know he's leaving me for you.
[DC:] Who said that? Who told you that it's true?

What is he tellin' you?
Could it be the same things that he told me?

[DC:] He told me that he loved me.
[WH:] I heard that.
[DC:] He told me I was (harmony) beautiful. How did you know? How did you know?
[WH:] Because I played that scene before.

This is a retake of my life.
I was his star for many nights.
Now the roles have changed,
And you're the leading lady in his life.
Lights, camera, now you're on.
Just remember you've been warned.
Enjoy it now, 'cause it won't last.
Same script, different cast.

What you're saying could be true.
But how can I take advice from you?

I'm not hating,
But I wish the one before me
Would have warned me too babe.

[DC:] Don't say no more. La La La La La La La La La
[WH:] Uncover your ears, girl.
[DC:] I'm not listening. La La La La La La La La La

But I know you hear me.
Maybe my reasons are wrong,
But I know that you believe me.


[DC] It's your fault you didn't love him enough.

That's the problem.
I loved him too much.
And when you love him
He becomes unattracted to you.

[DC:] Oh no, he's changed and I'll prove you wrong.
[WH:] No you won't.
[DC:] So go away. Leave us the hell alone! He loves me.
[WH:] He'll hurt you.
[DC:] He'll stay with me.
[WH:] He'll leave you.
[WH and DC:] For sure! For sure!


This is a retake of your life.
You were his star for many nights.
But now the roles have changed.
I'm the leading lady in his life.
Lights, camera, now you're on.
Just remember you've been warned.
Enjoy it now, 'cause this will last.
I'm the future, you're his past.

This is a retake of my life.
I was his star for many nights.
Now the roles have changed,
And you're the leading lady in his life.

[WH and DC:]
Lights, camera, now you're on.
Just remember you've been warned.

[WH:] Enjoy it now.
[DC:] Enjoy just now.
[WH:] It won't last.
[DC:] I know it will last.
[WH and DC:] Same script, different cast.



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    B's Private Land

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