有時候好歌是需要人推薦的,就如同這次要介紹的這首"Notice Me"一樣,雖然沒有極佳的名次,但卻也是一首不可多得的好歌啊!
大約四年前,啟發筆者聽西洋音樂的高中同學,突然跟筆者說他想找一位歌手的專輯,那位歌手叫做Nikki。他想找這張專輯的原因不是因為專輯好聽,而是那張專輯中收錄了他遍尋不著的一首單曲"Notice Me"。
之後問過幾位比較資深的西洋樂迷友人關於這位歌手的來歷,發現身邊竟沒有半個人知道他,看來Nikki的確是名不見經傳,也許是因為他連首前十名的hit song都沒有吧!?更何況他這張發行於1990年的同名專輯,連專輯榜前200名都還排不上。
終究還是把CD拿出來聽了,當player傳來"Notice Me"的前奏時,就已經知道糟糕了......。
中慢拍的歌曲是最對筆者胃口的,不幸的是"Notice Me"就是這樣的節奏;除了上述這個因素外,另一個對這首歌愛不釋手的原因來自於,Nikki詮釋這首歌時的情感精準而深刻,把那種暗戀的無奈與無盡的思念唱的絲絲入扣,歌曲中那段空心吉他的獨奏,更是讓整個人的情緒都隨著他的歌曲翻轉著,"Notice Me"絕對是一首絕美的催淚情歌。
另外專輯中歌曲相較於當時其他同質性歌曲而言,畢竟都還是太薄弱了點,除了這首抒情單曲"Notice Me"在單曲榜上拿到第21名外,其他則全軍覆沒。結論是這張專輯風格的不確定性與歌曲過於薄弱成為他在歌壇失利的最大致命傷。
BTW,儘管這張專輯毫無章法,但"Notice Me"還是一首非常值得推薦的單曲,如果各位看官有幸看到這張專輯,絕對要聽聽這首催淚情歌。
Day after day
I think about you and say
Why don't you notice me
Cause I've been watchin you
I've been watchin you
I write you letters all day
And then I throw them away
Cause I don't know what to say
Cause I've been watchin you
I've been watchin you
Cause I'm alone in this world
And I'm in love with you, girl
Can't you see
Wont you please notice me
I call you at home
And then I hang up the phone
Before you know that it's me
Cause I've been watchin you
I've been watchin you
I can't take it no more
I'm gonna knock on your door
Say, Why wont you notice me
Cause I've been watchin you
I've been watchin you
Cause I'm alone in this world
And I'm in love with you, girl
Can't you see
Wont you please notice me, ooh
Cause I'm alone in this world
And I'm in love with you, girl
Can't you see
Wont you please notice me
I can't take no more
No more
Girl, no more
No more
Cause I'm alone in this world
And I'm in love with you, girl
Can't you see
Wont you please notice me
Cause I'm alone in this world
And I'm in love with you, girl
Can't you see
Wont you please notice me
Now baby, don't you see that I love you
Yeah, I love you
Whoa, can't you see
Wont you please notice me
Oh, oh, yeah, yeah
Ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh...
No, no, yeah
Now ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh...
I love you so and I said
Now ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh... ooh...
Notice me
1. 文張圖片為Nikki同名專輯"Nikki"的封面。
2. 單曲推薦之視聽連結轉貼至http://youtube.com,uploaded by ralph1998。