1989年Karyn White以一首道盡女強人辛酸的"Superwoman",讓無數的歌迷為她傾心,不但穩固了自己的歌唱事業,這首"Superwoman"也成為了她個人最經典的單曲;1991年時王靖雯(王菲)翻唱成『多得他』,使得這支曲子在華語歌壇也不陌生,兩個版本都成為樂迷心中難以忘懷的經典之作。
當年Karyn White悲傷慟人的演唱著"Superwoman",寫實的歌詞牽動人心,讓她在歌壇嶄露頭角並享受到成名的滋味;事隔十三年,Karyn與GTS的合作"Superwoman Remix",不但讓這首歌攻佔各大舞池,掠奪了所有舞客的心,也讓退隱許久的Karyn再次得到了肯定,掀起一場舞池風暴。
1. Superwoman by Karyn White
2. 多得他 by 王靖雯
Early in the morning
I put breakfast at your table
And make sure that your coffee
Has its sugar and cream
Your eggs are over easy
Your toast done lightly
All that's missing is your morning kiss
That used to greet me
Now you say the juice is sour
It used to be so sweet
And I can't help but to wonder
If you're talking 'bout me
We don't talk the way we used to talk
It's hurtin' so deep
I've got my pride, I will not cry
But it's makin' me weak
I'm not your superwoman
I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down
And think that everything's okay
Boy, I am only human
This girl needs more than occasional
Hugs as a token of love from you to me, ooh, baby
I fought my way through the rush hour
Trying to make it home just for you
I want to make sure that your dinner
Will be waiting for you
But when you get there you just tell me
You're not hungry at all
You said you'd rather read the paper
And you don't want to talk
You like to think that I'm just crazy
When I say that you changed
I'm convinced I know the problem
You don't love me the same
You're just going through the motions
And you're not being fair
I've got my pride, I will not cry
Still I can't help but care
If you feel it in your heart
And you understand me
Stop right where you are
Everybody sing along with me
Hoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hoo
Hoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hoo
I'm the kind of girl that can treat you so sweet
But you got to realize that you got to be sweeter to me, oh, ho, ho
Hoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hoo
Hoo, hoo, hoo, ooh, ooh, hoo
I need love
I need just your love
1. Superwoman - GTS feat. Karyn White收錄於GTS專輯"Pop + Underground"。
2. 文中圖片為GTS專輯Pop + Underground的專輯封面。
3. 相關視頻:"Superwoman"為1988年發行Karyn White的版本,收錄在同名專輯"Karyn White"中,Billboard Hot 100最佳名次為No. 8,MV轉貼自網站http://www.dailymotion.com/,uploaded by coolfunk;『多得他』為王靖雯翻唱Karyn White之"Superwoman"的廣東版本,收錄在專輯"You're The Only One"中,MV轉貼自http://youtube.com,uploaded by kavid77。
4. 歌曲試聽為Superwoman (Ralphi's Vox 12″ Edit) - GTS feat. Karyn White,轉貼自http://youtube.com,uploaded by sowelulover。