
Stay(I Missed You)

  前幾天聽到電台播放了Lisa Loeb的"Stay(I Missed You)",天啊!這首歌到底有多久沒播來聽了,單曲也不知道收到哪個箱子裡推到床底下去啦!當初因為非常喜歡這首歌,還跑去看電影『四個畢業生』【Reality Bites】,想到這兒,不禁地莞爾一笑,為了喜歡的事物而去做某些事,這種愛烏而想要及烏的心態,果然是小時候會做的傻事。

  "Stay(I Missed You)"是Lisa Loeb的代表作品,也是一鳴驚人之作,這首單曲在當年能拿下Billboard Hot 100三週冠軍實屬不易。其一:自從西洋流行音樂由八零年代的戰國時期進入九零年代後,R&B簡直是獨占鰲頭,成為九零年代的主流曲風,翻開榜單前十名,大約有八成都是R&B類型的歌,其他風格之流行單曲根本很難與其抗衡,加上Billboard單曲榜在91年時,由原本的人工計算方式,改成電腦連線統計方式,雖然較之前嚴謹,但由於撥放比率與銷售比率並未調整,在電腦連線即時反應出銷售量的關係下,成為主流的R&B單曲輕易的就能攻占冠軍位置,並且一再出現長命的冠軍單曲的狀況,真是令人乍舌,與當時的重口味R&B情歌隨便一首就能拿下N周冠軍比起來,清新小品的"Stay(I Missed You)"能突圍,真的是很不容易。

  其二:Lisa Loeb是目前為止唯一一個未被唱片公司簽下,就有歌曲在Billboard單曲榜拿到冠軍的歌手。關於這點就更強了,對一個沒有唱片公司奧援,且初出茅廬又默默無名的歌手來說,想在競爭激烈又廣大的美國流行音樂市場出線,機率真的很低,還好的是這部電影賣的不差,"Stay(I Missed You)"這首歌也夠優,足夠的曝光機會,一舉讓單曲登上冠軍,讓Lisa成為這項紀錄的保持人,光上述這兩點就應該給她大力的掌聲了,三周冠軍真的難能可貴啊。

  沒有唱片公司的支持,能夠獲得的資源是非常拮据的,有看過"Stay(I Missed You)"MV的人,不知有沒有注意過,這支MV的拍攝手法一鏡到底,沒有任何的修飾剪接,演員只有兩位,主角是Lisa,配角是只出現過兩幕的小貓咪,而這間Lisa繞來繞去的小房間,是利用她在紐約所租賃的公寓清空後而當作場景的,MV導演是她的朋友Ethan Hawke,也是將"Stay(I Missed You)"推薦給電影"Reality Bites導演的那位貴人,真的是小成本到極點了,辛苦辛苦。

  另外,"Stay(I Missed You)"也被一個流行龐克團體New Found Glory拿來重唱,他們並邀請Lisa Loeb當guest vocal一起合作,重唱版中,電吉他所營造出來的匆促感,充分的將這首單曲原本內斂的情緒完全釋放出來,兩個版本一個外放一個內斂各有春秋,算是一個非常成功的重唱版本。


Lisa Loeb - Stay(I Missed You)


New Found Glory feat. Lisa Loeb - Stay(I Missed You)



Words & Music by Lisa Loeb

You say I only hear what I want to.

You say I talk so all the time so.

And I thought what i felt was simple,

And I thought that I don't belong,

And now that I am leaving,

Now I know that I did something wrong 'cause I missed you.

Yeah, I missed you.

And you say I only hear what I want to:

I don't listen hard,

I don't pay attention to the distance that you're running

Or to anyone, anywhere,

I don't understand if you really care,

I'm only hearing negative: no, no, no.

So I( turned the radio on, I turned the radio up,

And this woman was singing my song:

The lover's in love, and the other's run away,

The lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay.

Some of us hover when we weep for the other who was

Dying since the day they were born.

Well, this is not that:

I think that I'm throwing, but I'm thrown.

And I thought I'd live forever, but now I'm not so sure.

You try to tell me that I'm clever,

But that won't take me anyhow, or anywhere with you.

You said that I was naive,

And I thought that I was strong.

I thought, "hey, I can leave, I can leave."

But now I know that I was wrong, 'cause I missed you.

You said, "I caught you 'cause I want you and one day I'll let you go."

"You try to give away a keeper, or keep me 'cause you know you're just scared to lose.

And you say, "stay."

You say I only hear what I want to.




1. 文張圖片轉貼自網路。

2. MV轉貼自網站。


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