The One I Gave My Heart To/Hot Like Fire單曲封面

  聽到汪佩蓉新專輯裡重唱了Aaliyah在1997年發的單曲"The One I Gave My Heart To",覺得真的很巧,這首歌出現的時間,正好都是筆者面臨感情問題的時候。 


  光看"The One I Gave My Heart To"這歌名,就已經足夠給一個在愛情世界裡遭受挫敗的人一個很大的震撼,更別說歌曲的旋律以及歌詞的內容,將如何把人帶入情緒失控的漩渦裡,七年前如是,即使七年後的今天,那種悲傷的痛楚,依然歷歷在目,甚至更勝以往。


  回想過去這首歌曾經佔據CD player近三個月的時間,回到房間第一件事,一定是打開player按下play和repeat,有意無意的聽著,也會有意無意的唱著,一種想讓悲傷侵蝕自己,侵蝕到最後最好可以一絲都不留,也許這是一種自虐的方式吧!也或許是想讓自己在過渡的悲傷後可以重新面對生活,一切都將會是新的開始,好像一個被捲入漩渦中的人,在放棄掙扎後又安然的浮上水面來。






The One I Gave My Heart To - Aaliyah


Lyrics / translation:

How could the one I gave my heart to, break my heart so bad?

你曾接受我交給你的心 , 但怎麼現在卻刺傷他?

How could the one who made me happy, make me feel so sad?

你曾讓我那麼快樂 , 但怎麼現在卻讓我如此難過

Won't somebody tell me? So I can understand.


If you love me, how could you hurt me like that?

如果你愛我的話 , 你怎麼可以這樣傷我?

How could the one I gave my world to, throw my world away?

你曾是我的世界 , 但現在怎麼把他丟得遠遠地?

How could the one who said I love you, say the things you say?

你曾說過愛我 , 但怎麼現在卻說出那樣的話?

How could the one I was so true too, Just tell me lies?

你曾經如此讓我信任 , 但怎麼現在卻謊話連篇?

How could the one I gave my heart to, break this heart of mine?

你曾接受我交你的心 , 但怎麼現在卻刺傷他?

Tell me......


How could you be so cold to me? When I gave you everything

在我給你我的全部後 , 你怎麼可以如此冷淡?

All my love, all I had inside

我給了你我全部的愛 , 還有我內心的全部

How could you just walk out the door?


How could you not love me anymore?


I thought we had forever


I can't understand


How could the one I shared my dreams with, take my dreams from me?

你曾經和我共築夢想 , 但怎麼現在卻把我的夢帶走?

How could the love that brought such pleasure, bring such misery?

你曾帶給我開心 , 但怎麼現在卻是如此痛苦?

Won't somebody tell me? somebody tell me please

有誰可以告訴我 , 拜託請告訴我...

If you love me, how could you do that to me?

如果你愛我 , 你怎麼可以如此對我?

Tell me......


How could you just walk out the door?


How could you not love me anymore?


I thought we had forever


I can't understand 


How could the one I gave my heart to, break my heart so bad?

你曾接受我交給你的心 , 但怎麼現在卻刺傷他?

How could the one who made me happy , make me feel so sad?

你曾讓我那麼快樂過 , 但怎麼現在卻刺傷他?

Won't somebody tell me? So I can't understnad


If you love me, how could you hurt me like that?

如果你愛我的話 , 你怎麼可以這樣傷我?

How could the one I gave my world to, throuw my world away?

你曾是我的世界 , 但怎麼現在卻把他丟得遠遠地

How could the one who said I love you, say the things you say?

你曾說過愛我 , 但怎麼現在卻說出那樣的話?

How could the one I was so true too, just tell me lies?

你曾如此讓我信任 , 但怎麼現在卻謊話連篇?

How could the one I gave my heart to......

你曾接受我交給你的心 , 但怎麼現在......

How could the one I gave my heart to......

你曾接受我交給你的心 , 但怎麼現在......

How could the one I gave my heart to break this heart of mine?

你曾接受我交給你的心 , 但怎麼現在卻這樣刺傷他?

Tell me......




1. 文章圖片為"The One I Gave My Heart To"美版單曲封面,此張混音合併另一首單曲"Hot Like Fire"以雙單曲形式發行;隔年再度與"One In A Million"一起,發行另一張混音單曲。

2. 單曲"The One I Gave My Heart To"收錄在Aaliyah的第二章專輯"One In A Million"中,Billboard Hot 100最高位置是No. 9。

3. 歌詞由好友Andre翻譯,但部分內容並未按照歌詞原意翻譯,而是以Andre對筆者感情的了解做些微修改,請各位多包含。

4. 影片轉貼自網站


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